That's because I now thoroughly regret passing on the Dragon Quest "Smile Slime" mugs--here's the regular one, and here's the one bearing the grinning visage of a liquid metal slime--that Square Enix offered for sale a couple of years ago. At the time, these vessels could be picked up for just $20 or so, while today they go for more than $40.
Anyway, these three-inch-by-three-inch "yurayura" (that's a Japanese onomatopoeia for “swaying,” “wavering” or “wobbling," according to crunchyroll.com) glasses potentially are less practical than the above-mentioned mugs--after all, I drink many cups of coffee each day, while I only drink wine (which is the liquid I'd most likely pour into these glasses) a couple of times per week--but I'm OK with that as they'd still be cool to own and even show off now and then.
They're pretty darn cheap, too, when all things are considered--with a single glass costing just 840 yen, which translates to about $7, if pre-ordered via amiami.com. (They'll supposedly start shipping in early July, so don't wait too long if you want to nab a couple.)

I'm also giving serious thought to buying one or more of the "Smile Slime" silicone ice trays that are being sold by amiami.com, too. I don't know about you, but I think 870 yen (again, around $7) is a small price to pay for something that's going to allow you to fill your drinking glasses with slime-shaped ice cubes.
Oh my goodness, they're back! I wanted to pick these up a while ago but tarried too long til they sold out. Now that I'm especially inclined (as you know I've been playing DQV), I might have to pick up a couple!
Ah, so they've been sold before, Zach? If so, that's interesting--especially since it gives me hope the "Smile Slime" mugs will be re-released at some point. Anyway, I think I may pre-order two of these suckers. Initially I thought I might order four of them, just for shits and giggles as they say, but I think two will be just fine...
I think every house needs those.
You know me – I don't have any experience with the Dragon Quest games, so I don't know much about slimes aside from them being pretty cute.... but I've been eyeing those ice cube trays for ages!
I love that you've been eyeing up the ice-cube trays even though you're not much of a DQ fan, Anne!
BTW, it's kind of weird that I *am* a DQ fan, as I've only played a few of its games. That was enough to make me fall in love with its characters, though.
Now I just need to play a few more of its mainline games...
Judging from that picture, it's also where Walter White keeps his crystal meth. Whimsical and addictive!
Oh, you! :P
Just so you guys know, I did get one of the silicon trays, they are smaller then a normal ice cube tray, like much smaller.. just a heads up..
Thank you for the heads up, Jester! Sadly, that doesn't completely surprise me. I have a feeling the 'Smile Slime' glasses I recently pre-ordered are going to be smaller than I'm imagining, too, but I'm OK with that--I think...
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