OK, so I'm sure that can be said about at least a few (or a lot of) other people, but how many of those folks own 10 Japanese WonderSwan games without also owning some sort of WonderSwan system? That number is pretty darn small, I'm sure.

The point of this post isn't to brag (as if) about the fact that I'm stupid enough to own 10 WonderSwan games without also owning a system on which I can play them. No, the point is to showcase some of the cool art that's plastered across the front of the boxes that contain those titles.
If you're curious as to the names of the games that are included in the photo below, by the way, here they are (clockwise from the upper-left): SaGa, Tane wo Maku Tori, Mr. Driller, Rainbow Islands: Putty's Party, Romancing SaGa, Hataraku Chocobo, Flash Kobito-kun, Engacho!, Xi Little and Chocobo's Dungeon.

A couple of the games shown above are fairly recent pick-ups, actually. (Chocobo's Dungeon, Romancing SaGa and SaGa, basically.) In fact, they're what prompted me to write this post--and once again ponder buying a wine-colored SwanCrystal system.
I'm hoping--planning--to get off my butt and do just that soon, don't you worry. In the meantime, do any of you own WonderSwan games--or, gasp, WonderSwan systems?
See also: previous 'I'm bat-sh*t crazy' posts
I'm just surprised you haven't bought the Cho Aniki RPG yet.
God, those boxes are pretty. There's so much branding on everything nowadays. And--oh, look...Engacho. Xi Little has the best art. I assume the game is decent, if you bought it? Not that you've played it...
I feel like about once a week I post a comment here that I read after I post it and it sounds WAY snotty. Not at all how I meant it.
If only the Wonderswan came in a box that was as pretty as any of these ones! I'm sure you'd have one by now. ;)
It's so rare to see non-Nintendo platforms use vivid color on their boxes nowadays. That Mr. Driller box in particular is very pleasing. There's also a WSC game called Wild Card that has some absolutely stunning artwork on it. The system has some curious titles too like a Cho Aniki RPG and even some games based off the (terrifying) horror manga Uzumaki.
Mr. Driller and Rainbow Islands are real gems on the WonderSwan. You'll be happy that you have them once you get you hands on a console.
Oh, believe me, Steve, the Cho Aniki RPG has been on my far-too-long "to buy" list for some time now. I haven't yet picked up a copy of it, though, because it tends to be a little pricier than your average WonderSwan game, plus is seems surprisingly kanji-heavy. There's no question or doubt that I'll purchase it eventually, though—I can assure you!
Yeah that makes sense. It's about $30 on eBay. I've tried playing it, and I wasn't able to get very far myself. I'd kill for a fan translation, but that'll never happen.
No worries, Justin. I certainly haven't taken any of your recent comments to be snotty! So, if ever you intend for them to be taken that way, you'll have to be more assertive about it :P
RE: Xi Little--it certainly looks good in screenshots. Plus, I've only heard good things about the original PS1 version of this game (Xi), so I'm guessing this port (or something) is good enough, too.
I'm glad you noticed the Engacho! Box, by the way. I very nearly called you out specifically in the post, but I thought that would be mean so I decided against it in the end.
Actually, Michael, I think the boxes that the WonderSwan Color systems come in are pretty nice. The Swan Crystal boxes are OK, too, although I wouldn't say they're anything to shout about. The system I want most, of course—the yellow-and-orange Chocobo Dungeon-themed WonderSwan--comes in a decidedly crappy box. Also, that particular system is one of the black-and-white-screened WSes, which is … less than desirable. Still, I want one DESPERATELY. Maybe someday…
The color definitely has the better box! Still though, it's too easy for me to imagine this as a conundrum (one I don't suffer from personally, but even so...) where one is stuck choosing between best console + best color + best package--why Bandai gotta make this hard? Sounds like you've got it sorted already--you mentioned wanting the Wine version--but looking online it seems like a harder-to-find/more-expensive model, as well! I don't blame you for holding out. ;)
Oh, yes, I like the Wild Card box art, too, Inganno—as well the Blue Wing Blitz box art. Both games are on my WS "to buy" list, of course. The same is true of the Cho Aniki RPG for this system, although I'd probably say its box art is less stellar than that of Blue Wing Blitz or Wild Card.
Oh, that's great to hear! I was pretty sure Mr. Driller was/is great, of course, but I've honestly been a little unsure about Putty's Party. Anyway, I should have some sort of WonderSwan system soon, so I'll be sure to let you and everyone else here know what I think of all of these games—and any others I pick up between now and then, because you know it's going to happen—shortly afterward.
you have to see the collector ones : https://retrogamingaddict.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/pack-wonderswan-classic-tare-panda-no-gunpey.jpg
I'm actually not as torn as you might think when it comes to buying a WonderSwan Color or a SwanCrystal, Michael. Actually, that's not entirely true, as I prefer the design of the WS Color system to the design of the SwanCrystal, but there's little doubt that the SC is the best option of the three WS systems, so if I'm going to get a colorized WS, it's going to be a SC, even if that means I have to shell out a few more bucks. I'm far more torn about whether or not I should buy a black-and-white WS system at some point down the road, to tell you the truth. In addition to a SC, I mean. That Chocobo one looks so sweet, and I'd love to own one, but I'm not sure it's the wisest use of my hard-earned money.
Oh, yes, ADL, I know of some of those LE/SE WonderSwan systems—and a good number of them are fantastic, if you ask me. I especially like the Chocobo Dungeon one and the Tare Panda one. I also like the limited edition SwanCrystal that's light blue. I can't remember how it's branded or what its theme is, but it's cool. I've absolutely never seen one on eBay, though. Maybe I should start looking for it on Yahoo Auctions Japan—or maybe I shouldn't ;)
It's come down in price a bit from when I first started looking for it. Back then, the few copies I came across were closer to $50. I've seen then for between $20 and $30 recently, and even though that's pretty cheap by most standards, I'd rather spend that money on other games at the moment—or at least until I finally pick up a WS system.
Jebus, Wonderswan! Man I'm so ragged trying to find a copy of Dicing Knight Legion. Apparently it's for the devkit only but rumours have it that a few cartridges actually released. A picture of it from Super Potato was released showing it. So I would say the rumours are right on the money.
But you need to buy a Crystal Bryan. You have some lovely games there that are in dire need of playing. And as Steve said, Cho Aniki :D
I can only imagine how much Dicing Knight Legion would cost you, Franggio. I mean, last I looked, the "regular" Dicing Knight costs upwards of $200, so...
And don't worry, I'll get a Crystal--or some WS--soon. And Cho Aniki, too :)
Snazzy GETs, sir. Had a Wonderswan Color for the longest time and traded it on. The screen was just soooo dark, it was so difficult to play in comfort. I'm perpetually keeping my eye out for a Wonderswan Crystal, believe it remedies the Colour's sins wholesale. it is definitely a catalog of games I'd like to get into a-proper. You've egged that sentiment on, of course.
Hey there, Jyr! Haven't seen you around these parts in a looooong time. Welcome back :)
Also, thanks for the nice words. I've heard the same complaints about the original WS and WS Color systems, BTW. Sounds like the SwanCrystal's the only way to go, sadly...
the light blue version is the one sold with the Tanita MamaMitte, a bathroom scale built to help women to manage their pregnancy.
Yes, that's it! I can only imagine how much it tends to go for these days--if/when you can actually find one XD
Hmm. Around ¥33k a few years back so a bit more. But it was in superb condition.
Yeah the other veversion was rumoured to cost ¥50k+ but it's very intriguing so it's kinda like a mania. I really want it.
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Wow. Well, if you ever find one and buy one, let me know! I want to hear all about it :)
Believe it or not, I am pretty sure I have two of them! I'd have to dig around for it, but you could have the spare one if you like.
You have two of what, Reynaldo? WS systems???
I am really sorry, I confused the Wonderswan with the Neo Geo pocket in my head somehow. It's an equally odd surplus, I suppose.
I did actually have a Wonderswan back in High school, just so I could play liscensed anime games - but it broke during move, I am afraid. :(
Ah, I understand, Reynaldo! Do you still play any of your NGP systems or games? That's another one I like, actually. Some of its games are great!
The Crystal eliminates most of the ghosting.
Sharper screen
4 channel stereo sound
Hmm, am I missing something?
I have sworn to beat Cardfighters Clash! one of these days.
Ah, yes, I've heard good
things about that game, Reynaldo! I've also long wanted to play Ganbare Neo
Poke-kun and Cool Cool Toon :)
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