Seriously, though, I've wanted to dig into my Japanese copy of The Legend of Legacy ever since it arrived on my doorstep in early March. Unfortunately, all sorts of annoying things--like work, work and more work--have kept me from doing so.
Actually, that's not completely true. My day job and my on-the-side freelance gigs aren't solely responsible for my failure to pop this cart into my Japanese 3DS LL even once over the last three months. At least a bit of blame can be heaped on the technical writing certificate program I just wrapped up (imagine me doing a little happy dance right now), my slow-as-a-snail Japanese studies and my insistence on having some sort of life outside of work, class and blogging about games.

At any rate, one of my many gaming goals at the moment is to spend at least a little time with this SaGa-esque, FuRyu-developed 3DS RPG before it makes its way to North American store shelves (as well as this region's eShop) later this year.
No, your eyes aren't deceiving you--an English version of The Legend of Legacy is being prepped as we speak. Specifically, it's being prepped by the folks at Atlus, who revealed today that both physical and digital versions of the game will be released in both North and South America sometime "this fall." Oh, and it'll sport a perfectly acceptable (to me, at least) $39.99 price tag.
Does this news thrill any of you as much as it thrills me? If so, share your excitement in the comments section below. (Also, if you'd like to catch a glimpse of the Japanese version's beautiful packaging, check out my post about it when you've got a spare second or two.)
I like that you are a big fan of JRPGs. Luckily, the 3DS seems to have a number of them coming out this year.
Oh, yes, Eric, I've loved them since I first set eyes on the original DQ and FF games :) How about you?
Oh, I'm trying to widen my range of games. I want to try out Persona Q. Does that count?
Well, it's not really a JRPG, but it's a Japanese dungeon-crawler, and that's a good genre, too!
And this is why we should be allowed to have an android version of ourselves that can do all the stuff and pass on the experiences to us while we sleep....until they revolt and force us to do all the responsible stuff and they play the games OTL
I like the way you think, Franggio! How are you doing, by the way?
So so honestly.
Laying my dads ashes to rest tomorrow so that's on my mind. But it's way better, just takes time to adjust and I actually have a whole week off now from work, forced rest due to our legal system, so I'll be finishings up on the last things at mom's place now, paper work and normal house maintenance. Actually when I think about it it's quite OK. Everyone is up on their feet again so now I'll finally have time to tend to myself as well next week. Thanks for asking Bryan :)
Oh, I'm sorry to hear you'll be laying your dad's ashes to rest tomorrow. I mean, it sounds like you've come to peace with that, but it still has to be tough. Sorry :(
That said, I'm glad to hear things are somewhat getting back to normal for you--whatever "back to normal' means, anyway. Hopefully things will improve even more in that regard from here on out.
Thanks Bryan :)
You're very welcome, Franggio :)
I'll admit, I'm pretty chuffed! I've been hoping this one would make it over - I've been a big fan of the SaGa games since the gameboy days.
Oh, yes, Reynaldo, me too! Are you looking forward to the Vita SaGa game that's supposed to be released sometime later this year or next year? (I am!)
I am too! Though I need to grab some sort of Vita equivalent. Best buy has the PS TV for really cheap right now, so that may be the ticket.
Ah, I didn't know you were Vita-free at the moment! In that case, yes, a PSTV may be the ticket--assuming SaGa ends up being compatible with it :|
My fingers are crossed!
If I do pick it up and it's not, It does look like I'll have plenty of dungeon crawlers to find solace in, at least.
Very true! I have a feeling it'll be supported, though...
Probably, the requirement seems to be "Does not make extensive/essential use of touchscreen,"
Very true :)
You know i'm excited about the Legend of Legacy English language release! I don't think i'll ever get around to playing my jp copy. I have way too much to play and it requires a much higher level of Japanese than what i know.
Oh, I can understand that last part, Finchiekins. That said, I'm kind of surprised you don't even want to give it a try!
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