OK, so I did more than just set it up. I also downloaded a few demos as well as an actual game or two. Oh, and I played a good number of minutes of the game that was included with this sparkly handheld, Pokémon X.
I'll share my initial thoughts on Pokémon X in a couple of days. In this post, though, I want to focus on the hardware and its packaging--both of which can be seen in the following photo.
I have to say, I'm pretty fond of the front of this system's packaging. OK, so it could be more dramatic--you know, covered in gold leaf or something--but it's still very much a looker in its current form (in my opinion, of course).

As for its backside: well, it's, uh, informative? Utilitarian is another word I'd use to describe it. Regardless, it's probably safe to say I'm not going to while away the hours staring at this portion of the handheld's box.

One thing that disappoints me about the Pokémon Center 3DS LL's packaging is that it displays little of the charm that's plastered all over the system itself. For example, why don't the end flaps, one of which can be seen below, feature a few playful silhouettes of frolicking Pokémon?

Thankfully, there are plenty of silhouettes of frolicking Pokémon on the actual hardware--which is far more vibrant (and shiny) than it appears in the following snapshot.

The back of the hardware is nice, too, although it doesn't quite match the splendor of its counterpart around the corner (thanks in large part to the annoying block of text that likely has to be featured on all such devices).

Finally, here's a shot of its interior. Yep, it's black. In fact, this part of the system looks just like every other 3DS LL or XL you've ever laid eyes on--there are no gold accents or trim or even silhouettes of frolicking Pokémon to be found. Damn it.
Actually, I'm completely OK with that, as such accents likely would be a distraction in the end--and, really, who needs that when you've got awesome games like Pokémon X, Sayonara Umihara Kawase and Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigina Orb to play?
See also: 'Reason #407 I could be considered an 'eccentric' (aka bat-sh*t crazy) gamer: I recently bought a gold Pokémon Center 3DS LL'
It looks great. Did you use a system transfer to move everything from your other 3DS or is this an alternate machine for you?
That looks amazing! You'll have to share this one's Friend Code as well! (I need more people to battle and get more Friend Safari's :P)
Ah! That looks great—I expected it to have a matte finish, but I think I like the gloss! I actually really adored that about the first model of the 3DS. Nice swag!
I could transfer stuff without erasing Pokemon X, Terry, but I don't want to, as I want this to be an alternate system.
Actually, I'm not sure I could transfer stuff now that I think of it--unless I transferred it from another Japanese 3DS....
OK, I'll let you know, Kevin. I don't even know this one's FC at the moment, to tell you the truth. Guess I'll have to look it up!
Thanks, Zach! Actually, the system's even shinier than it appears in these photos, which is kind of crazy. Honestly, I wish it were matte, as the shininess makes me want to wear gloves when I use it, but I'll probably get over it eventually...
You'll have to post your alternate friend code for Pokemon-trading goodness. :)
I would be interested in a FC too, if you feel like it. I think I have about 4 friends on my 3DS hehe. I'm playing Pokemon Y and would be happy to trade with anyone.
I will, don't worry! Or at least I'll share it with folks I want to trade with, at least :)
OK, I'll let you know, Ken! I'll certainly want to trade with folks, esp. since I only have X.
That looks like a great little system there. Does the shiny surface seem to grab fingerprints on the darker spaces, or not too bad?
Glad you're enjoying your new console. I need to dust mine off. My 3DS hasn't gotten a lot of mileage since I beat Shin Megami 4.
Yes, the darker spaces (on the exterior) definitely grab fingerprints, Chalgyr. It's not as bad as my solid-colored OG 3DS, but it's worse than my matte NA XL, that's for sure. Which is why I kind of wish this one were matte as well. Not that I'm complaining!
Also, yes, you need to dust off your 3DS and give it a go again. Surely there are games you've yet to play that you could stick in there? Personally, I don't think I'll be done playing with it until 2020, at least :)
If you want I can give you my Friend Code as I'm also looking for more people to battle with and Friend Safaris to access.
I'd also wouldn't mind having the FC of your new 3DS LL. Having a lot of friend safaris doesn't sound bad.
I bet this 3DS looks even better in person.
If you haven't figured out what your Friend Safaris have your 2DS one is an ice type one with snover and sneasel while your other one is a dark type with vullaby and crawdunt.
Are you talking to Terry or me, Sam? Because I have no idea what you're talking about here!
Share away, Sam!
OK, I'll let everyone know shortly...
It does, Sam. Or at least I think so. It's very ... shiny and vibrant.
I'd love to have it! Mine is 2707-1608-7576
Sorry for starting this, Bryan. Haha.
Mine are (3DS) 2449-4633-4258 and (2DS) 3754-7564-8676.
Cool. I was wondering what I was offering people. Thanks, Sam. :)
Oh, that's what he was talking about? Ha!
No worries, Kevin--it was going to be a topic of conversation no matter what, I'm sure!
Thanks, guys. I'll share mine later! (And add yours, too, of course.)
Added both!
OK my FC is 0387-9291-5022.
Sorry about that Bryan I forgot how weird Disqus can be when putting posts in order.
As for Your Friend Safari on your other 3DS it's an ice type with Delibird and Bergmite. One problem with Friend Safari is that you can't check what your own safari has or even what type it is.
If you want Kensloth you can add me, my FC is 0387-9291-5022.
Sweet! Mine is 1134-7183-5058.
Added the rest of the codes here too, for anyone else who wants to add me.
I was amazed at how grubby I made our Wii U look due to the glossy black finish, which is why I thought of that with your 3DS. I just unboxed it and updated it before putting it away for Christmas, and in that brief time I felt like the FBI could profile me after each and ever digit.
And yeah, I definitely need to get back to it. 'tis the season to finally try out Luigi's Mansion 2. I've just had that ever-growing backlog of games I am working through lately keeping me on my PS3 and Xbox instead of my poor, neglected handhelds. :( hehe
Did you get a Japanese copy of Pokemon X? Or are they region free, since you can set any language?
The system came with a copy of Pokemon X already installed on the menu screen, Justin. So, all I had to do was figure out how to select "English" as an option. Actual cart versions of the games aren't region-free, by the way--or so I've read!
I read on Tinycartridge that Farewell Umihara Kawase is coming to the US eshop next year. Looks pretty cool!
Yep! Put a good few hours into it over the last few days, and I'm definitely enjoying it. Hopefully it'll be released at a good price point outside of Japan ($20 would be amazing).
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