Friday, February 02, 2007

Would Mario still sell millions if he were gay?

That's the headline of an article appearing on today. And guess what? I wrote it! I know, I know, I shouldn't be such a whore and promote myself and my work like that, but I think it's an interesting read so I'm going forward with the faux pas anyway.

The article includes commentary from a variety of sources--a gaming industry veteran, an LGBT marketing expert and two gamers--about 'gay' games attaining mainstream success in the future.

Here's a link to the article:

I've written about this subject--gay content in video games--quite a few times in the last year. Here's an article I wrote for the great gaming site in December ("Boy on Boy Action: Is Gay Content on the Rise?"):

And here's another article I wrote for in October ("They're Here, They're Queer ... They're Gamers?"):

Yet another of my gayming articles will be appearing in the Feb./March issue of GayWebMonkey magazine. The headline for this one is, "Are Video Games Ready to Come Out of the Closet?" Here's where you'll be able to download the issue when it's available:

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