Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Speaking of Ice Climber ...

... I came across the following flyer while searching for some art that could accompany my previous post.

It's a bit crazy, no?

I'm particularly fond of the "Haf! Haf!" that seems to be coming from the mouth of the Eskimo in the pink parka. I mean, what in the hell is that supposed to mean?

(Via gamingsanctuary.com)


Viewtiful_Justin said...

She caught the plague.

Oh...and...are you EVER going to finish your 10 games that made your life gayer posts? You've got one left, last I checked...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! You may be right, Justin :)

As for the '10 games that made my life gayer' series, it ended on a fairly quite note with the post about Rhythm Tengoku -- http://thegaygamer.blogspot.com/2010/11/10-video-games-that-made-my-life-gayer_12.html

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Oh. I guess I didn't realize that was number 10...I looked back yesterday and thought, "Hm...no #10." I guess I missed it. Durr.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, I think I killed things a bit by putting too much space between the last few. Also, the last one was shorter and in a different format than the others.

El said...

oh my god, thank you for the post! i've been playing this game in my childhood on a chinese NES clone, but i never knew its name

now i only have to identify only two other my favourite non-english games...
by any chance, have you happened to play anything like this - a game about a (i think) psych character, he had a very big head and would produce waves of mental energy from it to hit enemies. this game's levels were pretty big, and one of the very first levels contained a drive in a truck while fighting off guard dogs.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hi Chick Geek -- and welcome to my blog :)

You know, this game sounds familiar to me, for some strange reason, but I can't think of a name at the moment. Let me do some digging and get back to you, OK?