Thursday, November 11, 2010

This may be the most annoying game-related ad I've ever seen

To everyone who thought Nintendo of America's Dragon Quest IX TV spots (starring Seth Green) were lame: Please watch Nintendo of Europe's latest effort (below).



Nuts) said...

HOLI F. they'r awful

Bryan Ochalla said...

I can't say I know anything about them -- other than that they covered Vanilla Ice's "Ice, Ice Baby" recently -- but I sure hope they're popular enough over there to warrant the annoyance :{

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I think I just threw up in Europe's mouth.

Bryan Ochalla said...

A ha! I think the marketing folks at Nintendo of Europe deserve a bit of puke in the mouth for coming up with this :)

Zigfried said...

I don't know what you all are smoking -- that commercial is awesome. I think I need some red shoes!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

LOL Well, I guess we all have opinions!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, Zigfried, you are *too* much :)

Starfighter said...

I haven't seen that ad, but game ads are really uncommon in Swedish TV. And when they DO air, it's mostly in the middle of the night on MTV. This has annoyed me for some time, but I'm starting to think I'm better off whithout it after all.. :D

Bryan Ochalla said...

I don't see many game ads on TV either, Starfighter, but that doesn't mean much. (I haven't been watching much TV as of late.)

Anyway, I definitely think you should consider yourself lucky for not having to sit through this particular game ad! :)

Starfighter said...

Haha, I haven't watched much TV lately either, I think maybe that's the problem! (I like not being ruled by a TV-schedule, so I shouldn't use the word problem really but you know what I mean. :D)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeah, I like not being ruled by a TV schedule, too. That said, with winter on the way I'm sure I'll be watching more of it soon :)