Friday, July 01, 2011

Say hello to my Soda Popinski wallpaper

Could the following image--which currently serves as my desktop wallpaper--be any cooler? Actually, I think it could be--if it, say, featured one or more of the Punch-Out!! character's memorable quotes.

You know, like, "I can't drive, so I'm gonna walk all over you!" Or, "I drink to prepare for a fight. Tonight I am very prepared!"



Viewtiful_Justin said...

Could you edit that in? Find a cool NES font and do it yourself! BTW, I'm loving the site that came from. I've been visiting it fairly often.

Bryan Ochalla said...

I don't know, Justin, I'd probably ruin it. Also, in my mind, the quotes would be part of the background, and kind of subtle. I definitely don't have the skills for that. That's OK, though, because I like the current version quite a bit, too.

As for 'Video Games Made Me Gay' -- I agree! I go every few days and it never fails to crack me up :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Yup. It's pretty much my new favorite site.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Mine, too. It's so damn funny and witty :)

Sean said...

I think Soda Popinski is probably my favorite character from that game, that is a good find. If I recall it took a really long time for me to figure out how to beat him. I agree that those quotes are the best though!

Viewtiful_Justin said...

I'm with you on that one, Sean. I think he's got the most personality of any fighter. And although I didn't know why when I was younger, I have always dug the speedo.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hey there, Sean! I don't remember which character was my favorite in the game. Soda Popinski sounds as good as any, though :) I remember having a hard time beating him, too, by the way. Actually, I remember having a hard time beating a lot of the game's characters. I did beat it at one point, though. Ah, those were the days :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha ha! The speedo is nice, Justin. It's just the ugly mug that ruins things :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Yea...he's got kind of a horse face, but so does Sarah Jessica Parker, and people seem to LOVE her.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! Yes, that's true :)