So, which game am I talking about in the headline above (and in this post)? Why, I'm talking about Sugar Shooter, a shareware PC game developed by the folks at Dudedle Studios.

Just in case "bullet-hell shmup featuring beefy boys in underwear" isn't detailed enough for you, here's the developer's official description of the game: "Sugar Shooter is an erotic shoot’em up game! Taking control of Satan-kun, the prince of the Sweet Kingdom and protect your world from being eaten by the invaders. Beat them and make them pay for they’ve done to your kingdom!"
If none of the above--including that strangely alluring screenshot--makes a lick of sense to you, maybe you should watch the following trailer for the game. (Warning: Neither character winds up naked at the end of the video.)
For more information on Sugar Shooter or any of Dudedle Studio's other games--one of which is a sequel to Sugar Shooter--check out the company's website at
(Via the completely-not-safe-for-work
I had no idea that Bara Gamer existed. I think I'll need to keep an eye on the site now. :P
Back to the game, I came across this a while ago as well and thought it looks relatively fun. I mean, we already have all those girly lolita shooters so why not this?
Ah, well, I'm glad you liked the Bara Gamer site, Marcus. I didn't know it existed either, until I came across it on another site (the name of which I can't remember). I was a bit, er, surprised by the non-gaming content, to be honest, but I guess I should have known better considering the site is aimed at folks interested in bara.
As for the game, I really like the looks of it. I've never really played a bullet-hell shooter, though, so I'm a bit apprehensive about starting with this one. I guess we'll see!
Oh, and YES, there are so many loli shooters out there for straight guys to get off to, why can't those of us interested in guys get something similar now and then? :P
Haha, I was also taken by surprise at the other images on the site. I guess it takes the "gamer" in its name about as seriously as Kotaku does (aka not much!). It makes me wanna make my own site of actual just plain bara game content but I'm so lazy... And there's already a lot of Tumblrs doing about the same thing.
Loli shooters are cute for a while but after that I'd think people would tire of it! No, instead the market gets saturated with them. :P
Hey, a site that actually focuses on bara or even yaoi games would be great, IMO! I didn't know there were a ton of Tumblogs already covering such content, BTW -- may have to do some searching later on :)
As for people getting sick of loli shooters, etc. -- you'd think so, wouldn't you? I guess there's just a really passionate fanbase supporting those games.
I suppose I was thinking of Tumblrs where people post lots of male game character art. I mean, there's not much in the world of "bara games" outside of the dating sims and those never get released here :(. Maybe I'll try starting a new Tumblr anyway haha.
Oh, sure, get my hopes up and then bring them crashing to the ground! :P Anyway, yes, I think you should start a Tumblog about bara games. Consider me its first follower!
Oh my goodness. I need to play this game
Oh, I should have known you'd be interested in this. Well, sort of. I mean, I know yaoi and bara are totally different things, and even aimed at different audiences, but still, they're at least somewhat related, right?
Anyway, if you happen to play it before I do, let me know what you think of it, OK?
Oh no, look what I've done.
Now to see what to post up first...
@Marcus You've got yourself a follower!
Bryan, I've seen so many games that feature women gradually loosing their clothes as they get damaged, and I'm totally sick of it! I'd like to see the reverse for a change ;) Also, yes, though yaoi is different from bara, I'm still quite interested in bara as well (though I don't know a whole lot about its history)
If you ever want to learn about some yaoi games, I have plenty I could show you, hahaha
And now you have another follower, Marcus! Great job on creating it so quickly, by the way. Can't wait to see what you do with it :)
Anne: I agree with you in terms of being sick of all of the games featuring girls getting their clothes ripped off as they're attacked/damaged! As such, these games are a sight for sore eyes :)
You know what I'd love to see? Someone make a bara version of the Dragon Knight games! How great would *that* be??
As for learning more about yaoi games, YES PLEASE! I've honestly never played a yaoi or bara game on any system/platform...
Just so you know, I've already tried out a couple of the "games" they have free to play on their site ;) Very... interesting. And I updated my blog with a post about yaoi games!
Oh, I know which free games you're talking about. Yes, they're definitely "interesting." A lot more risque than I'm sure Sugar Shooter is -- or at least I hope Sugar Shooter doesn't, er, "end" the way those games do!
Thanks for the heads up on your blog post. I will read it in just a second!
That sums up my first reaction, too, Justin :)
cutest game ever and wait, is that a jock strap?
Yep, it's definitely a jock strap! Ha ha! :)
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