Monday, February 06, 2012

Hubba hubba, part trois

It's been almost a year since I last wrote about the guys I consider to be gaming's hottest hunks, so I think it's about time I chimed in on this steamy subject once again, don't you?

The five studs below have been placed in alphabetical order, by the way. If I were to organize them from hottest to hot-but-not-quite-the-hottest, I'd probably put either Garcia Hotspur or Sigma in the pole position.

Chuck Greene (Dead Rising 2)--I included this series' dark-and-scruffily handsome Frank West in my first "Hubba Hubba" post, so why not include the blond-and-scruffily handsome protagonist of its second entry in this one? It helps, of course, that Greene looks more than a bit like actor Aaron Eckhart. Sure, he shows up as a psychopath in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, but nobody's perfect, right?

Dunban (Xenoblade Chronicles)--Dunban is a special guy. Not only is he one of the few people capable of wielding the Monado, the legendary "energy blade" that serves as the centerpiece of this long-awaited Wii RPG, but he has a jaw so square it would make even Viggo Mortenson jealous. And then, of course, there's his flowing locks and muscular, tattooed torso. The only strike against this studly solider, as far as I can tell: He has a rather questionable sense of fashion. Oh, well, who wants to see him clothed anyway?

Enoch (El Shaddai)--To be completely honest, Enoch, the protagonist of this PS3/Xbox 360 action title, isn't my type. Oh, he's easy enough on the eyes, but he's just a bit too ... pretty for me. (I mean, look at that hair! Is Fabio his role model or something?) His guardian angel, Lucifel, on the other hand, is much more my cup of tea, if you get my drift. Still, I thought I should include a blond or two on this list, so there you go. (Pointless aside: Go here if you'd like to see some fan art that depicts Enoch and Lucifel "in flagrante delicto.")

Garcia Hotspur (Shadows of the Damned)--On the surface, Hotspur is your typical bad boy: He's covered in tattoos, he's got a facial scar, he has an affinity for leather (jackets, especially), his hair is dark and unkempt ... you get the picture, right? Dig a little deeper, though, and you discover that this questionably-named hunk has a softer side, too. (During the course of this Grasshopper Manufacture-made game, he goes to hell in order to save his true love.) Can I get an "awwwwwwwww"?

Sigma (Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die)--The Wikipedia entry for this upcoming Chunsoft-developed 3DS/Vita title says that Sigma, its main character, enjoys making risque jokes. In other words, he's pretty much the perfect guy. After all, it suggests he has a (crass) sense of humor as well as model good looks and a penchant for wearing what looks like a (form-fitting) mechanic's get-up. Be still my heart.

Honorable mentions: Hawke (Dragon Age II), Lucifel (El Shaddai), Reyn (Xenoblade Chronicles) and Skyrim's "Nude Muscle Bears" (link NSFW).

See also: 'Hubba hubba' and 'Hubba hubba, part deux'


Retr0gamer said...

Would love to get a pair of Enoch's jeans.

YĆ©ti said...

Sigma is... wahoo. And I like Garcia, ice and fire at the same time!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Retr0gamer: I love that you focused on his jeans :P They are pretty fantastic, though, now that you've pointed them out...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Yeti: Yeah, both Sigma and Garcia are the definition of dreamy (if, you know, they were real guys), in my opinion :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Amen. Sigma is a HOT-TEE.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Justin: I think Sigma is one of the first game characters that I wish would transform into a real person :)

warp said...

I like my men beefy, and one of my first videogame crushes was Bayman from DOA2: Hardcore ( So disappointed when I found out the DOA nude patch was just for the women...

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, I hear ya about beefy men, warp :) I'd never heard of Bayman before now, by the way--thanks for including the link. Have they ever released a nude patch for the men in any DOA game? I'm guessing not...

Retr0gamer said...

Those jeans were actually released in japan. Limited edition and a high price :( Shane Battenhausen was wearing them all the time while promoting the game. I'm not one that usually notices clothes but damn those are nice pants!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ok, now I'm going to have to look up the real-life version of these jeans. What an odd thing to use to promote a game!

diaglyph said...

I only know of Dunban. I hope you guys get to hear his sexy english accent ;)
I don't know the other characters as I haven't played those games (those genres don't interest me that much).
Anyways, here are some pics I took during my play of Xenoblade - sorry for bad quality I took them by aiming my iphone at the screen LOL (I wish Nintendo provided a screenshot tool for Wii and 3DS! Hopefully Wii U will have one)

There are some amusing armour sets in Xenoblade - keep an eye out for Swimmers or Divers gear. They are basically transparent.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Thanks for the links, diaglyph! I'm realllllllly looking forward to playing Xenoblade--with or without the diver's gear :)

BTW, I think you can similarly outfit the characters in The Last Story. Are you planning on picking up that one?

Sean said...

Am I alone in noticing that this Garcia Hotspur guy is a dead ringer for Joey Tribiani? Perhaps its just the angle, I don`t think Joey was covered in tattoos.

diaglyph said...

Yes I'll be getting Last Story but must finish Xenoblade!
I saw the videos on char customisation in Last Story, makes me wonder if gear has no stats, where in Xenoblade gear has stats and gem slots (gem crafting seems kinda random and weird in Xenoblade), but I'll probably have the males running around in their boxers lol

Bryan Ochalla said...

Ha! I think it's just the angle, Sean, as he doesn't look much like Joey in other screenshots I've seen. That said, he *does* quite look like him in this one :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

diaglyph: Yeah, if I end up getting The Last Story, I'll probably have my main character running around in his underwear, too :)

diaglyph said...

Playing Xenoblade now and was equiping Dunban - he got a new headpiece :)

A moment later I put a new chest piece on him, now he looks his dapper self:


Bryan Ochalla said...

Ah, I love it, diaglyph! Thanks for the screenshots. I'm guessing you're liking the game so far? I can't wait to finally get my hands on it in April...

diaglyph said...

Very much so :) Your post inspired me to continue to play (I'm pretty terribe with playing games, I tend to stop after a while for various reasons LOL)

I finished my Xenoblade session with a major boss battle. First time I died very quickly LOL So I put Dunban into the party and 2nd time I succeeded :) Good ol Dunban ;) There was a dramatic cutscene with Dunban after the boss battle too!

I think I'm very close to being halfway into the game.

(Just a side note: I had Reyn in the party as he tends to make a good tank, here is an old pic I took of him hehe he's wearing different stuff now)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Oh, I'm with you, diaglyph. I've gotten terrible in my old age (ha!) when it comes to finishing games. Hopefully Xenoblade will be able to keep my interest all the way through...

As for Reyn: He's got quite the six-pack, doesn't he? I nearly included him on this list, BTW, but in the end I decided Dunban was more my type :P

diaglyph said...

Shhh don't talk about old age you're making me think bout it! LOL :p

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, we're all going to become "old" at some point, diaglyph. Better to deal with it now rather than later :P

Gerard said...

I think Chuck Greene's only actual fault is that he's not Frank West.

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well said, Jyr. Well said :)

Bryan Ochalla said...

Hello again, Billy! Ah, I think you missed my second post in this series. Chris Redfield was mentioned in the "honorable mentions" section of that one. Here it is, in case you're interested --

Anonymous said...

Just because I have to point this out: Dunban doesn't have any tattoos. The Tattoo looking flame-work on his right arm is actually burn damage that his right arm suffered from overusing the Monado.